Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 4th and some big ideas...

So my little July 4th was a success I'd say. Big thanks to Mom, Hannah, Ben, Cameron, Mike, Amelia, John, Cassie, Chad, Rebekah, Keith, and Karrissa for helping out and coming out to celebrate. I am going to try to start having little get together/parties a little more often. In case you missed it, here is us enjoying rock band in all it's glory.


As far as big ideas, I've been thinking about school and what I'd like to do with my life. I may move back to Murfreesboro, go to MTSU and get a graphics design degree. Whatever it is I start next, I'm going to finish. School is coming up in about a month, so decisions need to be made fast if I decide to go. There are some other factors that's affecting my decision, and I'm waiting on those too. These other things may make me wait till spring to go back, giving me more time to think and it would really help the Christmas co. if I was here during the fall. It's just something I'm thinking about. I know it would suck to move away from all my friends, but I do need to do what is going to make me happy...and anyone that knows me, knows how much I miss and love the 'boro. Nothing is final, it's just something I'm really considering.

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