Friday, June 27, 2008

Starting over...

Most of my close friends know that Mary and I have seperated, and while being I struggle every day trying to do what I think is right this is still the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. My life hasn't been some big cake walk, and while I put up a good front I struggle everyday to make it to the next. It's not easy losing the person you care most about in your life, and while we are still close friends (and hopefully will remain close) it will never be the same...of course, I never expect it to be back to the way things were.

While I will never quit loving Mary and no one could ever fill in exactly the space that she left in my heart, I am excited about going back to school and hopefully meeting new people. A new major, a new haircut, and a new outlook on the world. I am not the same person I was 3 months ago, and won't be the same person tomorrow as I am today. I just want to pick up the pieces of what's left and start over.

Also, may be going to Las Vegas week after next. I just need to get away, I guess that's about as far as I can get for under a grand. If anyone wants to go, let me know and you can tag along.

Thanks to everyone that has helped me through this hard time. Ben, you're my best friend, always have been...always will be. Gale, Mike, John Boots, Chet, Kent, Bill, Kara

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