Monday, June 30, 2008

How to waste a weekend...

So Mary and I didn't end up going to Nashville, her Uncle had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital for surgery and her Mom wanted her to go with her to visit and stuff. So, I can sympathize but it sucks that our plans get screwed up so often. So I picked up Metal Gear Solid 4 for my PS3, got it around 1 or so on Saturday and had it beat by 7 pm sunday. It's a great game and I will definitely play through it again. I beat it in 17ish hours, so that's how you waste a weekend.

A little about the game...

The cutscenes were long but very well done so I forgive them, the graphics blew me away (the opening cinematic transitions right into gameplay...)the gameplay engine and the cinematic engine are the same...and incredible. You aren't limited to just sneaking, though near the end of the game you really just have too or you'll wind up hearing, "Snake? SNAKE?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" a lot. I played it on the normal difficulty and it really wasn't all that hard since you can now buy guns and ammo at pretty much any point in the game from the pause menu. The game explains it and I GUESS it makes since how you can buy bullets and grenades whenever, but you can't buy anything for your health so I guess that makes up for it.

All in all I had a great time with MGS4, the story was the easiest to follow out of the ones i've played (MGS, MGS2) and EVERYTHING was explained in a simple easy to follow way.

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